September 19, 2024

1/2 scale jd 4020 garden tractor project.

apipe, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Snowblower pipe – When my neighbor told me he was hauling this old broken snowblower to the junk I just had to haul it home. After checking into a new gearbox and new augers and other parts it was way too expensive to repair it. So i decided it would still make a good rear weight and I could use it for pushing snow in reverse. Today I split a pipe and welded brackets and bolted it to the cutting edge to prevent any lawn damage until the ground freezes up . The first few snowstorms have very soft soil under it and it is easy to dig it up. I am also going to put a temporary plate over the blower fan . It should work great . I have located a snowblower that looks like the same style gearbox and augers but haven’t stopped to get a price yet. So it is not out of the question one day i will repair this and mount it on the front of my mini jd 4020.
Happy Birthday DEB !! Deb’s Birthday is not until Sat. but I been telling her Happy Birthday everyday just in case I forget on Sat. When you hit 60 your whole body seams to start falling apart, not just your memory, lol.
Have a great Thurs.