September 20, 2024

1700 h.p. 200C Kress Bottom Dump Coal Hauler

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1700 h.p. Kress Bottom Dump Coal Hauler

1700 h.p. Kress Bottom Dump Coal Hauler

Here is a better picture of a Kress Monster Haul Truck . It is capable of 60mph, has a Cat 1700hp rear mounted engine and has a bottom dumping system . The front wheels can be turned 90 degrees enabling this monster to almost turn in a complete circle. It really is a pretty slick unit.
Another rainy day in the Gaylord Alpine Village. The local radio station said yesterday that the area ski resorts had been ready to open today but now will have to wait for more snow. Gaylord had a national Snow Cross Snomobile Race sceduled for the the next three days and it had to be canceled and will not be rescheduled . The tourism people said that one major event brought a quarter of a million dollars to town each year. So the rain is not very welcome this time of year. If we don’t get snow before Christmas , it will be a disaster for northern Michigan businesses. I am so grateful I have the toys to keep me busy in between plowing snow.
Acco Grader Progress- I am working on the rear radiator and engine hood now. I will probably work in the shop tomorrow on it more as once Nicole and Bill get home, I play hooky a lot to have fun with them. I will get the Cat d9-G together before they get home.
Pet Pictures- Those of you who have sent me pics of your pets , I will post them all together on the Christmas Eve picture on the webpage.
Happy Holidays to all of you ,
and a Merry Christmas .