September 19, 2024
The weather is 2 degrees below 0 today in Gaylord but 70 degrees in the picture

The weather is 2 degrees below 0 today in Gaylord but 70 degrees in the picture

Corn Field

Cold Thurs. – The sun is shining today, Deb and I hopped on I-75 and rode up to Indian River to Paula’s Restaurant for lunch. Great burgers. Even though it is below zero we enjoyed the sun shining into our car windows. The driving lane of the freeway was almost dry but the passing lane and the on off-ramps were snow-covered and very slippery.

Today’s picture was down on the farm on a nice 70-degree morning as Deb and I was staying in the motorhome at my folks. We were on one of our morning walks and stopped to talk to Sara, Tims’s wife as she was mowing. Tim and Sara are getting very close to moving into their new home, very exciting!

Workshop – Heading out to work more on the snowblade extensions.

Have a great Thurs.