September 20, 2024

33 Yard Bucket , The biggest I ever scooped Rocks With

aaabigbucket1, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Big Buckets- As I get older I find myself looking more at past photos of fun times Deb and I had on our travels. For Deb it was more about the traveling than the destination , ha,ha. Usually our destination was a dirty old coal mine, lol.
But she never complained and always went along with the days events. I’m sure most wives would not spend a day in a coal mine around dozens of monster machines going by and creating dust everywhere and feeling the ground move as the monster trucks would pass just 15 feet from us or a D-11 Dozer would be working just 10 feet from us . Thanks Deb for all these photos and videos you took over the years. I have over 170 videos on You-Tube and that is a lot of time Deb spent taking the video and then downloading them. But if you were to count the total videos Deb has taken and we never posted it would be closer to 500 videos. We have so many videos we never posted of big machinery and equipment graveyards, etc. Not to mention over 3000 photos we have on our computers she took over the years. On our trip on the Great Lakes Ship Deb took 1000 pictures even though we only posted about 30 or 40 of them. All the hours Deb used to sit and edit the videos because they were to long.
So this morning I want to thank Deb again for being such a nice wife and great photographer and my best friend .
Thanks again Deb , SMOOCH !!
Have a great Sunday !!