September 19, 2024

51 inch snowblower project

anewpart, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

51 inch 2 stage snowblower- Todays picture shows me holding a brass gear that goes in the JD 59inch 2 stage blower my neighbor gave me a month or two ago. The augers were missing on it too . I checked on prices at the John Deere Dealer for parts to fix the gear box and replace the augers to get it going again. They wanted $2,000.00 for those parts.
No way was i going to spend that much so i have been looking for a parts machine with a similar gear box. We went and looked at one last week but no luck and today I checked into another one here in Gaylord and I got it cheap. So now I got nice augers and a perfectly working gear box that i have been looking for. yippee !! If I end up pulling the auger/gearbox assembly off for the jd blower I will then remove the spout, remove the fan and seal the openings , then reverse the housing and fabricate a three point box scraper out of this one and sell it for the same price i bought this unit for. So in other words these parts should end up being pretty much free when I am done.
JD 455 cab lights- I built the rear bracket for the strobe light and mounted the rear lights. I also repaired the right side door seal.
Manual windshield wipers- I am now designing from scratch my first manual wiper for the cab windshield. I also have to design one for the Waldon cab. I saw on line they ranged from $40.00 to $80.00 ea. and I can make them for free with just scraps around the shop.
Gaylord Snowstorm- Lots of sirens and plenty of fender benders last night as the wet roads turned snowy and slippery. People just won’t slow down and they have to learn the hard way .
New I-phone 5 ‘s – Deb and i are really enjoying having 4g and getting our new updated I-phones. Deb, Bill and Nicole keep updated on those things and i just get one to fit in with the in crowd, lol .
Terak progress- We do facetime with Nicole and Terak several times a week and we have our little props to entertain him . Now he is starting to connect words together and it is so cute. He is very smart for his age. He sure has been fun already for all of us.
Groundbreaking getting close – Nicole said there is a Dozer parked next to their property and they are hoping they will start digging pretty soon. Very exciting !
Deer Hunting Update TEN deer shot so far for Bill and his brother Fred. They are busy filling their freezers . Va. has so many car/deer accidents Bill and Fred should get a check from the insurance company everytime they eliminate another deer off the roads, ha,ha.
Have a great Monday !!