September 20, 2024

Acco Italian Grader In Snow

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Acco Italian Grader In Snow

Acco Italian Grader In Snow

Here are four pictures of the completed Acco Monster Grader I took this morning out in my backyard in the snow. It looks nicer outside than it did inside on the workbench.
ACCO VIDEO CLIP NOW ON THE WEBPAGE- We posted the newest Video Clip last night of the almost finished Acco Grader on my workbench. You can also see the ship model setting on the other workbench covered with bolt bins and drill bits. Go to the ( videos) section and go to ( my models) section if you would like to see it.
THE BEAUTY HEAVY HAULER TRUCK PROGRESS- I got the frame welded together and the front steering axle built and mounted to the frame . I also got the rear axles made and put in place.
Won’t be working on it anymore today as I got plumbing problems at the house and and after that I am going snowmobiling . The sun is shining and 7 inches of snow on the ground I am going to go for a nice ride .