September 20, 2024

Alpenfest 2010 1st day of fun in Gaylord .

Gaylord Alpenfest day one- Todays picture shows us enjoying the first day of Alpenfest in the Alpine Village. Deb, Franzi from Germany , Bill , Nicole and me standing outside the Alpine Chocolat Haus . The weather was perfect for the Alpenfest Queen’s Pageant and then as darkness fell upon the Alpenstrauss and the carnival lights shined bright and colorful everyone headed towards the boog and watched it go up in flames representing peoples troubles going up in smoke. We forget sometimes how many people we know during the year in Gaylord. We see them once or twice a year but to see everyone at once really is very fun. Deb, Nicole , Bill and I really do enjoy visiting with everyone.
Today on the second day of Alpenfest we will head down to the Karoke Contest and check out all the local talent . Maybe I can talk Deb and Nicole to go up on stage and do a duet , ha,ha.
Upnorth Festivals are kinda corny but over the last 25 years of living here we really feel a tiny little part of it being our hometown . Not everyone here is friendly as you have those folks in most towns, but the ones who are make up for it. The Alpenfest is a nice reminder each year how many nice people really are in our little Alpine Village.
The best thing is we always can count on Bruce and Barb for some free chocolate and free ice cream. (:>). Sure enough last night as we sat on the bleachers waiting for the Queens pageant saving a seat for Barb she showed up with 4 containers of frozen chocolate covered raspberries. yum ! Late Bruce offered to treat us to ice cream but we declined . We decided we better not overdo it the very first night , ha,ha.
In between the fun at Alpenfest I managed to get more of the P&H 5700 Model painted. Today I will paint the last 20 or so parts. Tomorrow I will begin working on the painted cab parts and get the interior and the windows put on it.
Hope your all having a Great Summer !!