September 19, 2024

Alpenfest Parade for Terak

awagonride, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Alpenfest Countdown – Todays picture shows Deb preparing to pull Terak and I in the 2012 Alpenfest Parade, ha,ha. Just kidding . But now you can see why i put oversized tires on the wagon for me to ride in it, tee, hee .
The older i get the earlier i have to start bulking up for winter . I see that if I gain a extra couple lbs now helps me work in the shop on those cold winter days and stay warm, ha,ha.
The real truth is i am old and fat and I can’t do anything about being old . grrrrr
But I can do something about being fat , ha,ha,ha. This hot weather has really been an adjustment trying to weld in the shop. Last night at 10:00 it was still 83 degrees outside. That has got to be a new record for Gaylord.
It’s SAT and another great summer day . No need to call in sick today as we all probably got the weekend off . Take the kids to Disney World this weekend !!!
Have a great Sat.