September 20, 2024

Alpine Chocolate Haus and Don and Debbie Campbell making Chocolate Covered Potato Chips in the Chocolate Factory.

Willy Wonka ??- Whenever Deb and I go to see our friends Barb and Bruce and we go into the upstairs into chocolate factory we sometimes enjoy producing some of our own goodies, ha,ha.
This picture shows the conveyor as Deb feeds it with ruffles potato chips and I inspect the chips as they pass through the creamy , lucious waterfall of chocolate. Some of the smaller chips slip down under the conveyor and return up in the cocolate waterfall plugging it up . Just a quick turn of a handle releases the stoppage and a quick readjustment gets the flow going smooth again. Also some of the chips get a little backed up sometimes and I have a little stick to quickly free up the logjam, ha,ha.
I asked Bruce if he ever tried sprinkling coconut on any of the chocolate covered chips and he said no. So he went and got a cup of white coconut and sprinkled a couple lbs of them before they went into the cooling tunnel. They were yummy !! But Bruce said he thought that the toasted coconut would have even been better. So next time we will try that. It’s hard to see but there were 1000 chocolate bunnies behind me ready to be shipped this week for special orders. yum !
Bruces largest bunny he makes is 15 lbs. , WOW !! Now that is a whopping chocolate Bunny . He said he only sells a few of them.
So today for a snack Deb and I get to sample more of our brand new experimental coconut covered chocolate covered potato chips. (:>). YUMMY !!
If we figured correctly , the number of calories in each one we should get to eat ONE each for the whole day , ha,ha, . REALLY !
So they should last a long time at that rate, ha, ha.
Hey Deb !, What’s for Lunch ? We are having sausage, eggs and toast today , we rarely eat breakfast for lunch but it sounds great !
PAINTING – Deb has been busy doing spring painting , she has now painted 5 closets, the hallway, and she is now working on the office. So as I sit here this sunny Sunday morning the office is in a shambles but I am still connected (:>).
Computer Problems- Today the computer is working better but for several days it has been a very slow connection .
P&H 5700 EXP Cable Excavator Progress- I wil work a few hours today more on the bucket parts.
Have a Great Sunday !!!!!