September 19, 2024

Alpine Chocolate Haus , Boyne City Store opens Friday .

Alpine Chocolate Haus Boyne City and Gaylord Stores- Todays picture shows Deb and I standing with Bruce in the new store in Boyne City. Today Bruce got in the new chocolate cases . Tomorrow the electricians should be done and then it will be time to start unpacking the chocolate, carmel corn, cgocolate covered potato chips, jelly bellies, taffy, etc. The ice cream was delivered yesterday and is in the freezers waiting for opening day.
Bruce moved to Gaylord the same year we did back in 1985 so we have known him for many years. We wish him great success .
P&H 5700 Drive motors- Today I cut out the first 20 parts for the drive motor housings.
Monday morning 5K run- Deb and I were up early running this morning and still doing good on weightwatchers.
Have a great Monday !!