September 20, 2024

Another 40 miles on the bike .

Top-5-Bicycle-Movies, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Heatwave – another 90+ degree Gaylord day. Deb and I got up early and got our 5K walk done and I hopped on the mountain bike and got another 40 miles in the last two days.
I still can’t work in the shop in the mornings grinding or sanding because I don’t want any summertime complaints from the neighbors. After lunch it is too hot to be welding. So were enjoying the summer knowing it is now August and the cooler weather will arrive before we know it. This afternoon we rode out to the State Park and sat in the shade seeing all the sun worshippers getting tanned.
Deb and I even have a few big laughs watching people at the beach .
No 3G today – We rode by the tower today that is just down the street and we see even though they are 2.5 years behind schedule the boss gave them the weekend off. And we also see a brand new loaded spool on the trailer backed in position . So that means a lot more cable has to be raised yet. So I’m predicting instead of this Friday maybe a year from this Friday , lol . Besides the workers know that when they are done they will lose their jobs, ha,ha.
More locals names in the paper this week losing their homes. There is no economic recovery so enjoy this one more day God has given us. (:>)
Hope your having a great summer.