October 4, 2024

Another YouTube type video clip for my webpage

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Another YouTube type video clip for my webpage

Another YouTube type video clip for my webpage

This picture shows Deb in the coal mines with James and I. This was a Sat. afternoon when the equipment was all shut down for maintainance. When I look at the pictures of the Big Cat trucks in this picture, they just don’t look that big. It’s obvious they are not small trucks, but until you climb up on one and sit in the drivers seat do you really get the big picture. As you know I did get to get in the drivers seat and fire up a Cat 789 Haul truck on our first visit to the coal mines. It was AWESOME !! I got to raise and lower the monster box and I also got to put it in gear and drive it for a short ride and then put it back where it had been parked. Very Cool ! The not so cool part was we did not have any movies of it. boo, hoo.
But the good news is after I got done on the Terex RH-200 front shovel , I walked over to one of the Cat 793C Haul trucks like in this picture and climbed aboard. And this time I did have a movie camera. So I got some cool video getting loaded and going up the side of the mountain and dumping from inside the monster truck. Very Cool!! Wow, What a view it was, so This will be the second cool YouTube type video clip we will post on my webpage if we figure it out over the holidays with Nicole and Bill home.
Denver Snowstorm- I got a E-mail from Tony last night from Denver, he said he just returned with the grader he operates for the county . He said he got called out to pull out a snowplow truck that had gone off the road . He said visibility was near zero and it was only 5 miles away. But he said it took him 4.5 hours to get back home. He said he got the front V-plow on and was ready to head out this morning at 3:00am. He said he would take a few pictures in the grader. So if you pass a grader operator with a front V-plow and a camera in his hand , that will probably be Tony, (:>).
Gaylord snowstorms are currently non-existant. Out 69 inches of snow is pretty much gone except left over piles from plowing .
Cat D9-G – I got everything assembled and I am working on the decals today. Tomorrow I should be posting the first pics of it.
Acco Super Grader- I am working on the pivot joints for the front and back and will get them done this afternoon and get the first parts cut out for the center beam.