September 20, 2024

Articulating Toy Tractor

articulatingtractor, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

First toy project- Nicole and Terak were in my back shed yesterday and it was Teraks first time in there. He saw all the toys I have waiting for him someday to play with. Most of them have no tires but he didn’t seem to care, ha,ha.
I showed Nicole this old tractor and this old sign and told her this is where my model building all started. I saw a fellow who customized a two wheel drive toy tractor to make it look like a jd 7020 4 wheel drive . He wanted $250.00 for it . So i came home and got out my lincoln 220 stick welder and decided to try making my own . Well one thing lead to another and I never finished it . Instead I ended up building dozens of one of a kind models of farm toys, construction toys and mining toys . Nicole wanted me to drag it out into the workshop so i did but it really is just a old piece of junk . The old john deere sign she said she would like to put in Teraks room. As i sat and looked how crude and rough it was i still have to think about how everyone has to start somewhere and the difference is with many people they give up after looking at this , ha,ha. I never gave up and kept on going trying to make new models of new machines. It has been a fun 16 years of model building .