September 19, 2024

ArtsWay Beet Harvesters and me

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ArtsWay Beet Harvesters and me

ArtsWay Beet Harvesters and me

With the Big Day over now , Deb and I are still on vacation this week with Nicole and Bill home. So we are just goofing off again today riding in the car and stopping at places Nicole used to remember . Trying to bring back some memories of her childhood stopping at tractor dealerships on the way to and the way back from the malls, ha,ha.
VIDEO UPDATES- I added four more video clips last night , one of me climbing up on a TI 272 Liebherr Monster Truck and three of me climbing on Bucyrus Erie Mining Shovel.
We are still trying to locate one more item so we can transfer more of the movie clips from our actual movie camera to the new (video) section on my webpage .Those on the movie camera are ones viewing the Terex Shovel busy at work from me inside the cab and me inside the Cat 793C Monster truck riding up the mountain and dumping and getting loaded along with several other movies. Sounds like some of you have already enjoyed the new video clips section. Thanks for all the nice Holiday E-mails , and the positive comments about the videos. Hope your Christmas Day was as fun as ours was.
Acco Grader- No progress to report, still on the holiday vacation.
We got a dusting of snow yesterday so we had a touch of a white Christmas.