September 19, 2024

Baby Terak’s first Cat shirt from Grandpa

terakCAT, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Cat shirts – Deb and i were in the farm store the other day and i spotted this cute tiny Cat shirt and told Deb i just had to buy it for Nicole’s little baby Terak. Before we got to the check-out I also spotted a very baby safe looking Cat truck too. We know Nicole and Bill would do a thourogh inspection of the truck . But after doing daycare for 25 years Deb knew what is safe.
He sure looks cute in that Cat shirt (:>)
Cat D-11R Dozer – I am busy sanding and priming more parts.
Beautiful Friday in Gaylord – This is about the nicest morning we have had this spring, I was up and out washing the car in the driveway by 9:00am and no chill in the air at all. The trees are finally greening up and the lawns are getting green and full of dandelions , not our lawn , no dandelions here, ha,ha. We been waiting so long for some nice summer type weather . Too bad tomorrow is the end of the world, ha,ha.
End of The World – That’s Right , tomorrow is the end of the world , AGAIN for the 200th time . Experts say this is the 200th time now over history that the end of the world was predicted.
But the thing that worries me the most this time is the way Obama is SPENDING !!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW that guy is putting us in debt twice as fast as past polititions . Right now , today it would take 400 years to pay our debt !! I have no use for anyone on Capital Hill so it isn’t just about Obama. I actually like him and his family more than past Presidents and their families. The last President i liked and their family was Reagan . And i’m not sure he knew sometimes he was a President or doing a part in a movie, ha,ha. But I did like him. (:>) Liked Bush Senior , no use for Bush jr.
The main thing is we are ready to meet our maker tomorrow , we know were going to a better place and it won’t be so short as it has been here just a few years on this crazy earth . This time we get to spend eternity together (:>) No monthly payments to worry about , no aches and pains and best of all no more dieting , YIPPEE !!
Deb and I remember several years ago my brother told us he was waiting to become a Christian the day before he died. So we wonder if he will be thinking about it today just in case it does happen ? Hope so .
If it does happen tomorrow I still give God all the Glory and thank him for our great simple little life he gave us. But I doubt it will happen because nowhere in the Bible does it say we will be warned several months in advance on the internet, ha,ha. (:>) If you see happen to see us in Heaven tomorrow be sure to stop and say hi !! We’ll have plenty of time to visit (:>)
Have a Great Friday !
God Bless You All !!
Have a Great Weekend !!