September 20, 2024

Big Boy Toys

alineofdeeres, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Monster trucks, Super Dozers / excavators, speed boats , 4×4 razors, snowmobiles , motorcycles and sports cars. Most guys have something that really makes them happy and over the years I have had some pretty cool big boy toys myself but right now in my life nothing could make me happier than to have my five custom built John Deere Tractors .
I have built many static models over the years but it is time to kick it up a knotch and now get to drive my models. The first 62 years of my life has gone by pretty quick and I know my generation who grew up on junk food and chemicals is not the same as the people living now until 80 and 90 . They all grew up on healthy food from the garden and no preservatives in everything. I hope I will make it to 70 but I see people I know are starting to pass away now in their early 60’s .
I don’t worry about it but i do remind myself how fast 10 more years will go and to enjoy every single day I do have left.
This latest tractor is my most favorite project I have ever built and will ever build in the future . This is my dream project.
I am so thankful to my wife Deb for never complaining about me building crazy things.
She is the best wife anyone could ever have. She is my best friend and still after 40 years I give her the thanks for such a fun life. Without her nothing would mean much.
The bottom line though is I am a Christian and I believe my name is in a book in Heaven and it shows my name and my last day . So I may only have one more day and not 10 years , ha,ha.
I’m going to be sure to have fun everyday with Deb . (:>)