September 19, 2024

Big Equipment for Don Campbell

coalmine3, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Mining Machines – Tonight Deb and I returned home after our last fun camping trip for the summer. The weather was the worst it could be but we still had a fun time knowing it was the last trip for this year.
This week we will start emptying out the motorhome and preparing it for winter storage.
We have had so many years of fun in that motorhome. It is our best buy !!
Todays picture is James and I standing in front of this RH-200 Front Shovel with the 33 yard bucket . SWEET !!
This fall I will finish the big cat scraper and then get going on the Train .
Then after the train I may begin the largest static model I will ever build. The Famous BIG Muskie in 1/24th scale. It will be double the size of any Big Muskie Models and I think there is only one in that scale at this time. It will be much larger than the P&H Model I just built . Another very exciting project . It will take me all winter into spring to complete it.
Looking forward to seeing more mining machines too (:>).
Hope you all had a great Labor Day Weekend Too.