September 19, 2024

Big Exhaust Stack !!

abigpipe, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Check out the dia. of this pipe, wow.
My folks are not doing so good so we decided to keep our camper down in pole barn for the summer on the farm for the first time and go down and see them more often to help my mom.
Well to my surprise my older brother told me I could not do that because he had a stack of boards in the back of the pole barn he might need sometime. I told him I had cleared a area so he could still get the boards out and he got very mad . Would you believe my brother came up to me and shoved me in the chest with both hands and almost knocked me down.
My brother and I have not spoke for a couple years , in fact my brother has never commented on a single model I have ever made . In the 30 years of living in Gaylord my brother stopped every year here in town for a meal and never once called to see if we wanted to meet him. In 30 years my brother has never called me on the phone . The only facebook comments from him were negative .
So was I surprised when he let me know I could not put our camper back in the pole barn . So you can imagine my surprise again when he hit me in the chest with both hands and almost made be fall backwards.
Then next were excited to show my family a couple pictures of Nicole and Bill’s new house .
Instead of my brother saying that is a nice house , he said he knew someone building a house three or four times that size. My brother also said if he puts scratches the full length of our motorhome it is my fault . Come on !, what is he ? 10 years old ??
Only way to get along with my brother now and not get beat up by him is to never talk to him again, ha,ha,
Our life is nicer when he is not around . Weddings are fun to get everyone together but I guess there is always one bully in the family .
Have a great Sunday