September 19, 2024

BIG FAT TIRES , Don Campbell’s Almost Perfect Tractor

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BIG FAT TIRES , Don Campbell’s Almost Perfect Tractor

BIG FAT TIRES , Don Campbell’s Almost Perfect Tractor

I LIKE DREAMING – If I ever won the lotto and could buy anything I wanted, one thing I would buy would be a big John Deere with Big Tires like the ones in this picture and I would want it to have a BIG Blade on the front for playing in the snow. I would actually have a 20foot wide quick tach snowscoop for the front and plow the area shopping centers with it , ha,ha. That would be very cool !!
BACK TO REALITY- My truck developed a gas leak yesterday and I took it in this morning to the GMC Dealer. They checked it out and ordered the parts . Looks like a $1,000.00 will fix it , boo, hoo.
I’m not sure the old truck is worth it, ha,ha. The 10 years of winter salt is rusting things underneath. But with only 21,000 ,one owner miles, it is worth fixing it. It is fun plowing with it too. It doesn’t have any rust on the body yet, I am ok with spending a grand on it. Maybe I better take some of my new tools back and get my money back ,LOL
FIVE BELOW ZERO THIS MORNING- We had some cooler air come in last night and it is very nippy here today. The weatherman is saying by this weekend we will get a nice warm up. It is supposed to hit 35 degrees. I love those 35 degree days, it feels just like spring, ha,ha.
1/12th scale Komatsu Super Dozer Model- I got the fenders built and mounted to the main frame , after lunch I will start building the first fender mounted fuel tank.
SKI-DOO SNOWMOBILE – It has been a while since I got the sled out, one day this week I’ll have to fire it up and go for a ride.
DODGE VIPER- I got a phone call last night from a fellow that owns a Dodge Viper . I talked to him last fall and he said he might sell it this year.
It is a old one , it’s a 1994 , but it only has ( TWO HUNDRED ) original miles on it. I told him I would get back with him in the spring about it. He said he never felt comfortable driving it or parking it anywhere .
He also has 15 other muscle cars along with a Dodge Prowler with just ( FIFTY ) miles on it.