September 19, 2024

Big Muskie Model not so big ? Don Campbell’s going build one double this size (:>).

World’s largest Big Muskie Model to be built in 2011 – Todays picture shows me checking over one awesome model ! I remember stopping at Steves house and seeing it for the first time and it was Massive in Size !!
I just couldn’t stop staring at it . Steve had hundreds of other nice models to look at but I just kept getting drawn back in amazement to this Big Muskie Model. Maybe in the back of my mind I kinda thought the day would come when I would build one in my little workshop . Well it looks like it is going to happen . I decided I just got to double the size of this model and build it in 1/24th scale to match the Silver Spade Model. To look at this picture and me standing next to it is very hard for many people to realize really how big this Big Muskie is going to end up being .
Trust me , next year at Chuck’s DHS Diecast Open house Toy Show when we roll it inside everyone will get a very good idea of the size of what will be for sure the World’s largest all steel Static model of the Famous Big Muskie (:>)
This is the model I have been destined to build from the day I built the first toy that fit in the palm of my hand. This could very well be the largest model I ever build. Or Not ? ha,ha,ha.
Have a Great Tues.