September 19, 2024

Bill and I trying on new glasses

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Bill and I trying on new glasses

Bill and I trying on new glasses

This picture was taken at Mackinaw City on Sat. , we rode up to Mackinaw to get some famous Mackinaw Pasties. umm, good!! They are like a meat pie with a crunchy thin crust. We have stopped their several times a year for the last 34 years. Most of the tourist shops are closed this time of year in Mackinaw. Unfortunately there were two shops open. So Nicole took advantage of it and squeezed in a little shopping. Did I mention Nicole is a serious shopper,lol.
Deb took this picture of Bill and I at one of the two shops open, not sure if they make us look better or not, ha,ha.
NEW MOVIE CLIP ADDED TODAY- Deb just finished adding another interesting clip from the Indy Toy Show. It shows my Cat 5230 front shovel model and the Cat D-2 Dozer sitting on a lowboy ,heavy haul trailer. Most of the clip shows the half scale Peterbuilt truck, lowboy and Cat Dozer . Fred is explaining to me how he built the awesome projects. He let me climb inside the cab, but we did not get that on the movie.
1. Airplane movie clip- me with Jim McFadden in the plane, trying to put Cat D-2 dozer model in plane.
2.Cat D-2 movie Clip- Me putting the blade on the D-2 at home on the dining room table.
3.Cat 24H Grader, D-2 and Cat 5230 shovel movie clip showing the three models in my garage getting ready to take them to the toy show.
4. Farm movie clip- Deb and I at the farm with my folks.
We have more movies to work on to add in the weeks to come.
We wish you all a Happy and Safe New Year,
Don, Deb, Nicole and Bill