September 20, 2024

Blue Moon and Superman Ice Cream for Nicole before she heads back to Washington D.C.

Superman Ice Cream and Blue Moon Ice Cream – We just had to stop at Moonies to get Nicole some of her childhood favorite flavors of ice cream. These two flavors are just in Michigan as we have been told. It is a big seller with kids . I never even really wanted to try blue ice cream, ha,ha.
Michael Jackson- We were like most people in the 80’s just fasinated what Michael Jackson and the perfection he could generate in his music and his dance moves on stage . He was a musical genius for sure. Nicole was young and we remember her always singing his songs around the house.
I remember a couple times in the late 80’s thinking I no longer liked him because he was wierd , then he would have a special on TV and he would be amazing again and change my mind and I liked him again. He had so much greatness on stage!!
But sadly off stage he was a little boy trapped in a grown mans body. Because of that, he never fit into society and suffered the child star syndrom along with the normal Hollywood Press that loved to build people into super stars then crush them in a few years to near suicide levels. They always longed to get that one last story when they died.
Michael Jackson definatley made a couple big mistakes a few years ago and that can not be overlooked, but it sounds like he was very ill the night before his death and he knew going to the hospital would be another Media Frenzy.
So instead of being taken to the Hospital where he surely would have had a better chance of surviving , he must have chosen a doctor to come to the house to avoid all the nut jobs with cameras.
I guess in the end it was the media that scared him from going to the hospital and in turn killed him like Princess Diana and so many other famous stars forced to go into hiding .
But now the media is in their glory !! , another great story they can run and run and run and twist and turn for the next 20 years.
The media must have had one hell of a party last night so excited they helped create another multi-million dollar story.
I understand photographers taking pictures of stars in public that is fine and expected. But hiding in bushes stalking them 24 hours a day these people are pretty low.
That is very sad, but being rich and famous often has symtoms of a shorter life span.
Michael Jackson can now be at peace for the first time in about 47 years. We will still always enjoy hearing his music forever.
Enjoy today and don’t worry about tomorrow, summer goes by so fast. We will enjoy this one last day today with Nicole before she heads back to the city, and Bill will enjoy one last day in the woods where he loves so much.
Have a Great Friday !!!!!!!!