September 19, 2024

Boat Models being checked out by Don Campbell at Port Huron .

THURS. – It is a perfect summer day in Gaylord . It’s the middle of June and people are just planting their flowers . So it is a late spring for us with so many late frosts.
The next few weeks are the best weeks of summer and we’re so looking forward to them. We already had five fun weekends this spring .
This weekend is no exception even though the camper is getting a rest we got special plans and another special fun weekend planned.
Deb has the day off and has the next 11 days off but we were up early walking and she has been cleaning house all day.
I was just kidding about her sleeping in and wanting me to wait on her, ha,ha. She is a perfect wife and a friend to me and that is why we can joke with each other like that. Many wives might not appreciate that kind of joking ??
Laughter is very important in a marriage , Deb always says she can see if someone has a good marriage by looking at the wife to see if she is happy and how she acts.
Because there really are a lot of crabby wives out there.
Used to be the husbands were the leader of the family but these days that has changed. Now most wives are in charge of the families and make all the decisions so it is just the next generation of families and things never stay the same.
In many cases it is a good thing , but there are always exceptions.
Todays picture shows me checking out some boat models built out of steel at the Port Huron boat model toy show.
Terex RH-400 – Today I will spend another whole day working on the bucket .
Have a Great Thurs. !!!!!!!!!