September 19, 2024

Bolens Iseki H1704 Hydro Compact Utility Tractor

agreenbolens, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Used Bolens / Iseki H1704 For Sale – Today I pushed this little project out back and covered it up for the winter. I’ll keep looking for parts for the engine to get it running next summer. Probably have it bored out and a sleeve inserted in number one cylinder. Talking to a fellow about getting the exact dia. sleeve so the pistons can stay the same size.
It sure is a cute little tractor and a well built little bugger.
(Suicide ) numbers sky rocket in the U.S. –
Mass shootings seem to be getting more and more common . Very little mention about these people being suicidal . These people want to die but they do not want to die alone. They don’t want to die as a nobody.
The media goes on and on and on and on and on and on !!!!!!!!!!!! about this and does NOTHING to change anything.
Sad to say these people in the media almost seem giddy talking about these sad , sad events. This is BIG bucks for them . Not to say they want it to happen but they sure do run with it and milk it to death to squeeze every penny they can make off it.
Depression and suicide is the problem , not guns . People hooked on drugs and alcohol is the problem , obesity is the problem !!, 60% divorce rate is the problem, over 20 million people out of work and millions of people losing their home is the problem.
Where are the nightly shows to help the average American cope ?
Yet they can air ( The Big Bang Theory ) Show 50 times a week and several others.
I hate people who say guns are the problem. Guns are not the problem , these people want to die and take innocent people with them and they will do it with or without guns.
How about a few box cutters and a a few jumbo jets? No guns used on 9-11
God Help US !!