September 19, 2024

Bolens tractor axles

abonotires, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Compact diesel tractors- This morning I put the engine back together just in case it doesn’t get repaired until spring. That way i won’t lose any parts. I did pull the front wheels off and one rear wheel to start sanding any rusty spots on the frame. The little tractor really has a nice heavy duty set of axles on it . By the end of the week I’ll get all the rust spots painted so it won’t rust after i push it out back for the winter. I will need the shop space for other projects that won’t be costly for parts to get them running.
Mild winter so far and no snowmobiling yet in the Gaylord area. We do have a few inches of snow on the ground so it looks now like we’ll have a white Christmas if it stays cold .
Christmas Day is less than two weeks away now .
Have a great Wed.