September 19, 2024

Boyne City Mushroom Festival , no mushrroms !!

donsnexttwoprojects, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Boyne city Mushrooms- Deb and i rode to Boyne City this afternoon to check out the prices of morel mushrooms people would be selling. The last few years several people were selling them and a couple party stores had 6 or 10 bags of morels for sale in their stores. Not one person has brought a single bag of mushrooms in to sell we were told. And no one was selling them outside by the festival. We will go again tomorrow night and check again but it does not look good. Our mushroom private morel mushroom guy we stopped and visited with also tonight and he said he has only found one quart all season and has not sold any this year either.
The last five years we had plenty and if there are any at the mushroom festival they are going to be so very expensive !!! We will just wait til next year.
Garden tractor Pulling – Todays progress picture shows the front angle of the first fender design and the right side running board design under way. Got to make it nice and safe for my grandson Terak as he is only 17 months old. (:>) Nicole thinks i might just be rushing it a little but it is good to start on it now, ha,ha.
Miller Tire , Ohio – I ordered two 3.50x 4.00 tri-rib tires today for the narrow front jd project. Miller tire said they had no 4.00x 4.00 tri-ribs and would have none til fall. So i will try to find some somewhere else. I need another set .
Komatsu PC-8000-6 – I cut out a few more parts but have not done any big parts yet. I want to take two more weeks and get these two tractors roughed in with the tires they will get so i can move them around good and have a idea how they are going to look.
Hot Rod Garden Tractor- Tomorrow I will get the other fender and running board roughed in and this weekend I will start on the narrow front project putting the larger tires on the back and start the design for the narrow front end .
Have a great Thurs.