October 4, 2024

Bradenton dragstrip and Don Campbell enjoying the afternoon .

Drag Races- This was a fun afternoon Deb and I had bringing back old times of our early years together going to the drag races.
I always loved going to the drag races and the circle track races when we were fitst married.
It was a perfect afternoon at the races.
POT HOLES ON I-75 – On our long drive home from Florida we were surprised to see 3 or 4 foot dia. pot holes in the middle
of I-75 . Some of them were a few inches deep. People were swerving back and fourth trying to avoid hitting them. At one point a Trucker swerved over in front of us in a 18 wheeler trying to miss a big pot hole. That was a little frightening, YIKES !!
HEY DEB ! WHAT’S FOR SUPPER ?- Ham Steak and mashed potatos and fresh dinner rolls, yum !!
FOURTY – FIVE DEGREES – Today felt like spring as the temps climbed to a warm 45 and the sun shine made it seem like spring.
It was a excellent morning for a nice run.
Cat Haul Truck Progress- Today I finished sanding all the parts and got them all primed this afternoon. Monday I will start painting all the parts.
Have a Great Saturday !!