September 19, 2024

Breckenridge, Michigan windfarm progress today .

breckenridgewindfarm, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

20 wind generators now assembled- We drove downstate today to spend the day with my folks. We made a trip to St. Johns to Uncle Johns Cidar Mill and had donuts and cidar. Then we headed to Breckenridge to see the progress on the windfarm. Now they have 20 of them assembled with the blades attached. We timed it just right as we pulled up by the road they just started lifting the blades and we watched them attach them . We left after 15 minutes and saw the second crane and drove to that sight and within ten minutes we saw a man and a women drive up and strap on a safety harness and go in the tower door. A little bit later we saw them pop out the top and help guide the blades in place.
This is very new to all of us and we still think they look very cool. And if they save just one soldiers life being less dependent on foriegn energy it is all good.
Have a great Wed.