September 20, 2024

Cat 1/3rd scale D-11R Front grill and engine side screen progress.

catfrontgrill, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Cat radiator- Todays picture shows more progress I have done on the front grill and the left side engine screen . I am almost done on the right side screen . I also worked on the inside radiator screens.
Record Heat for Gaylord – Not sure what is going on in the world but for Gaylord to get 92 degrees the first week in June is crazy. Today we had a severe line of thunderstorms pass through here from up near the Canada. Border.
Things are changing and not too sure it’s for the better. So we better enjoy this eummer just in case , ha,ha.
This week I have to also locate some 3″ steel tubing for the lift cylinders for the blade. I had a piece but not enough .
Lawn Recovery- My lawn is slowly coming back to life after a very abusive winter, ha,ha. Those two Waldons hade great fun plowing snow out back and in the front yard but it took it’s toll on it this spring. It still has several good sized bare spots. But I also had a great time doing it so I am fine with it. Besides before we know it i will be stacking snow out back again , ha,ha.
Have a great Wed. !!