September 19, 2024

Cat 657 Coal Scraper and baby Terak .

terakintoyscraper, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

First scraper passenger – Here I am showing baby Terak some of the toys we have and i just had to put him in the scraper. (:>) He is still too little to understand how many toys he has waiting for him to play with at grandpa and grandmas as he gets a little older.
We are really enjoying having Nicole, Bill and Terak here. He is a busy little guy at just 6 months old. He is so cute and so fun !!
Alpenfest 2011 – Deb, Nicole, Terak and I walked to town and saw everyone busy setting up everything on the streets for Alpenfest that officially begins tonight. It is going to be a lot of fun.
Cat D-11 Dozer- I am squeezing in a few hours on the welder in between Terak taking knaps so that is working out good. (:>)
Have a great Tues. !!