September 20, 2024

Cat D-11 Dozer Sprocket Progress on second final drive.

catd11sprocketno.2, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Cat Drive Sprocket Progress- Todays picture shows me working on the second sprocket . I had no idea how I was going to build them for sure with my limited tools and no lathe or milling machine. The plasma cutter and a steady hand and a jig I made helped a lot.
Next I will attach the second sprocket to the right side frame. Just a little info on the sprockets , it took just over 400 parts to make them including all the nuts and bolts. I am very pleased how they turned out. Now I will design the first track pad and bend the ends and drill the mounting holes and cut the knotches and figure the size of the grousers. Next week I will build the first 40 or fifty track pads before I get started on the lower bogie wheel parts. This is another very challenging project and that is what keeps me so excited and interested in model building. I have no idea how I will make the next parts until I go out and do trial and error on each part design.
Considering my crude tools I am very happy with the final models I build. Thanks again for all the nice e-mails and all of you who have become facebook friends and several hundred of you who have subscribed to my you-tube videos. That reminds me not to shut down the websight . Sometimes I think it gets boring to people but as long as the daily stats stay above 1000 I will keep sharing my projects.
Have a slightly radioactive day ??????????????