October 4, 2024

Cat D-11R Chain link parts and track pad parts by Don Campbell.

catdozerchainlinks, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Cat Parts – Todays picture shows over two dozen more track pads bent, drilled and knotched for my 1/3rd scale dozer model. It also shows a small pile of grousers cut at angles for the pads. In the background you can see the patterns have been traced on sheet metal for more of the chain links . To the right side of the picture you can see my small manual shear/knotcher that i hand cut every part with. Just one side of one link of the chain takes 25 small cuts to get each rough link shape. Multiply 80 times 25 and that gives you a good idea why i have been having a sore shoulder lately, ha,ha.
But the good news is i am now working on the second set of tracks and should have them built by next weekend. Then the following week i will start tracing the parts for the right side undercarriage frame.
Snow and Wind in Gaylord Today – We are back to winter mode with 4 inches of snow on the ground and windy conditions. We still had a little bit of snow left in the backyard before this storm. I’m convinced we will still get more snow after this storm. We often still get a little snow in May.
Have a great Sunday !!