September 20, 2024

Cat Dozer Parts being sanded and welds smoothed.

Catdozerparts2, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Cat D-11R – Todays picture shows me starting to take apart the dozer and doing body work on some of the first parts. I am far from done but because the bare metal has now set for several weeks it is starting to oxidize. This week i will concentrate on getting the welds filled and sanded and a protective coat of automotive primer sprayed on.
Cold in Northern Michigan – With temps in the low thirties this morning our furnace is still kicking on in the house and I am still heating up the shop a few minutes to get the chill out. Even mid-afternoon the wind has a cold bite to it.
Crude oil prices- This morning on Wall Street they shows crude oil prices still over fifteen dollars a barrel below prices a week ago but no relief for us at the pumps. With a fifteen dollar drop on crude that should surely equal at least a full dollar drop at the pumps for us. It’s pretty sad the wealthy can give the hard working guys on mainstreet a break. We just got to enjoy each day the best we can. (:>)
Morel Mushrooms – In our freezer we got several bags of breaded mushrooms waiting patiently to be placed in the eazy bake oven some night for a delicious treat. YUM !!
DID YOU KNOW – As a young boy i always heard that one day there would be too many people in the world and no way to feed them.
Guess what? It’s HERE !! Yes, That’s Right I am not kidding ! This Oct. the world will hit 1.5 billion people and that is the number that we had sustainable food for . So the good news is after Oct. we will all be forced to go on a diet regardless if we want to or not (:>)
Have a great Monday !!