October 4, 2024

Cat Offroad Truck Parts

arailing, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Cat Ejector Box – Todays progress shows there is still a lot of parts to design , cut out and weld into place. But you can now see both sets of side railings in place and the mirror assemblies done. Mirrors are the first things to break when moving models around. Not my models !! I make sure they are welded Very Solid. They will actually bend before the break off. I could not build a plastic model with glue knowing in a couple years it would start falling apart on the shelf.
When I was in the Army in the early 70’s I built 25 model semi trucks. It kept me busy on those days when there was nothing else to do. We packed them up to bring them home to Michigan and we were so careful .
Not pretty when we opened them up, ha,ha. What a mess of broken pieces of plastic.
Back to the model , I also now have the spill guard done and the top slides and the first front push frame parts in place.
I covered up the front grill to get a better idea of the other parts.
My folks – My mom is doing good and we are all thankful she did not get a broken neck when my dad fell down the steps on her.
So now we have to think that really could happen again. So we do not know what the doctors are going to do yet . My mom really can’t take care of him at her age . He can’t hardly see, he can’t hardly hear , he can hardly walk and 90% of the time he does not know any of us including my mom. So it is actually dangerous for my mom in the night helping him to the bathroom and such.
Each day God is helping us all think it all through and realize he probably cannot come home. My mom still has all of her senses and she has so many good years still left it would be even more sad to lose her if grandpa accidently hurt her again. The next time it might not be just a broken arm.
God has a plan for all of us and he is helping us realize putting my dad in a nursing home is what has to be done for the safety of my mom.
My dad kept repeating all summer that he was dying and that he had a good life.
He cried a lot and wondered what he did wrong for this to happen to him. We cried along with him many days . When he got mean for a few minutes he would apoligize the whole rest of the day saying over and over he was so sorry and that is not him saying those things. Watching someone die in front of you every week over the whole summer takes part of your own life from you. It is very painful. Most of my family are very close to God and I am so thankful we are the ones that are. I give all the glory to God for helping us through this.
Sorry to write this stuff but many of you are like an extended family and know everything about us for the last 8 years from my daily blog.
Have a Great Sat.