July 3, 2024

Cat Ripper tooth being sanded for 1/3rd scale D-11R Dozer.

donrippertoothsanding, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Cat D-11R Ripper- Todays picture shows me sanding on the ripper tooth assembly. I still got a ways to go but this gives a little idea of the size of it .
Rainy , cool week in Gaylord, not good camping weather at Otsego Lake State Park. Some nights Deb and I ride out to the State Park as it is only five miles from where we live. It’s fun to see the families enjoying campfires and the smells of food cooking . But so far this week it has got to be miserable.
Groin Pain , week 9 – It’s been a rough 8 and a half weeks for me with my groin pains . I have been very limited to heavy work and most nights it is very painful from working in the shop. But I just cannot lay around for several weeks , I have to be doing something every hour . I love building toys and that is what i want to do regardless of the pain. I don’t believe in taking drugs and i just accept it is part of growing old.
This has happened several times over the years and it always repaired it self over time.
Now I just have to call Deb for any heavy lifting , ha,ha,ha.
This 1/3rd scale Cat is still my favorite model of all time and it isn’t even done yet !!
Have a great Wed. !!