September 19, 2024

Central Michigan Corn Harvest

afarmtrucklight, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

St.Louis Michigan is where Deb and I spent the last two days . I really enjoyed riding on the combine and watching all the action going on.
After dark Tim called me to come back and get a couple pictures of two of his brother Tom’s trucks waiting to get loaded with corn. I have always loved all kinds of trucks and I have always loved lights on trucks so this was so cool to see two of these trucks lit up like Christmas Trees. As we drove in that direction we could see them five miles off in the distance. SWEET !! Thanks Tim
My Folks – This was the first time Deb and I went back to the farm with my mom without grandpa. We had a rough time and we all shed a lot of tears most of the day.
We talked about all the things grandpa said and did and once in a while we would manage a little laugh between all the tears.
Our hearts are breaking for my mom but she is trying to stay strong and keeping focused on God. She was so good to my dad and we know she took care of him 3 years longer than most before they have to go to a nursing home. She was so happy we spent the summer with them making those last special memories with my dad.
We plan to come back to the farm in the spring and stay in the house with mom.
There is no easy or quick cure for this and we all just have to take it one day at a time . We all suffer differently and were praying for my folks everyday and night.
Have a nice Sat.