September 20, 2024

Central Michigan Windmill Farm

windmills, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Breckenridge , Michigan Windmills- Deb and I rode downstate today on my day off and we went to Breckenridge on one of our stops to see the progress on the area wind generator farm now being built. We were very surprised to see a few of them completely assembled and surprised to see another dozen or more towers half built . We saw a Liebherr crane a couple miles away being assembled but I could not tell the brand of this one. You can see the Breckenridge/Wheeler grain silos off in the distance. I think they are great if they eventually get us off foreign oil. The local law enforcement officer stopped and talked to Deb and I for over a half hour telling us several interesting facts about the towers. They were in the process of hooking up the generator and raising it to attach it to the top of the tower. Also a farmers son that owned and farmed a large number of acres in the area and across the road from this sight also talked to us for quite a while. He told us his dad wanted nothing to do with these wind generators and didn’t want these people messing up their good farm ground. I asked him how much money could be made to the farmers who did want them.
Not sure if he knew what he was talking about but he told us $33,000 for 33 years or close to a millions dollars . Talked to my brother in law who lives a few miles north and also has farm land and he laughed and said no way . He heard less than a thousand dollars a year. So that is quite a difference , ha,ha.
But it was a fun day and we even got to try a deep fryed pickle for the first time.
Deb and I both agreed that would be the last time too , we did not like that combination, LOL
Have a great Thurs.