September 20, 2024

Champion 100T Grader and Deb

debchampiongrader, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Champion 100T – One of the coolest machines I enjoyed climbing on over the years was not the biggest machine. It was this cool old Champion 100T Grader painted up in red colors. I had never seen a large grader before and John told me they had a big grader parked at another location if we wanted to go see it and I said SURE. I had no idea it was going to be this large. Sitting in the cab checking out the view and all the controls and guages I really wanted to ride in this awesome machine or even drive it, ha,ha.
I ended up building a model of it but painted it Champion yellow like another one I saw pictures of. I also had pictures of a orange 100T. I think the company ended up making 6 of these big graders this size.
Next year I will be ready for another big equipment fix and have already kinda made some far off plans. (:>) Even after several trips to the coal mines over the years it is funny how you think next time it won’t be exciting but when I climb on the first monster machine it is still always just as exciting everytime !!! I guess it is the little boy in me that just loves big equipment , ha,ha.
As I looked through some of my pictures tonight this big grader caught my eye and reminded me how cool that was. Thanks again John for being so nice to us . I also want to say thanks again to my very nice wife Deb for never complaining as she stands for hours taking pictures in them dirty dusty coal mining machines. I really want to thank James too for being the first coal miner to ever invite me to see these gigantic machines.
Funny story is Deb thought he could be some kind of a crazy person and were going to see him in a coal mine . His wife thought we might be crazy people coming to their house and we might be wierd , ha,ha. So glad that wasn’t the case. (:>) It is fun looking through all the hundreds of pictures Deb took over the years without having to go to a coal mine, ha,ha.
I’m sure next year will be our last trip so we plan on having a great visit with our friends for the very last time. Our old bodies are wearing out and won’t take the abuse, ha,ha.
Those coal mine roads are not that smooth and it is several miles into the mountains . I remember looking back and seeing Deb bouncing around in the backseat looking at me , thinking another fine mess you got me into Olllie!
Have a great Sunday !