September 19, 2024

Chemtrails or Contrails over Gaylord

chemtrails, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Chemtrails- This whole summer our nice sunny blue skies turned to a hazy fog . And I noticed more than ever a film on my vehicles that set outside like our motorhome. I also would notice other jets leaving short little vapor trails that dissapeared in a few seconds like jets always did over the years. So I googled the lines in the sky that stay all day . They are called Chemtrails and the military uses this system to alter the weather against the enemy to cause violent weather and very dry conditions in war zones to make it more miserable for the enemy . It says altering the weather is the newest type of warfare and our enemies are doing that to us.
Not quite sure they are spraying Northern Michigan unless it’s because it is less populated and will cause less sickness than in large populated areas. But if you watch the news we got much more important stuff like Lindsey Lohan, Justin Bieber fathering a child and Herman Cain , ha,ha.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY – 39 years ago today Deb and I eloped and drove 120 miles to Gaylord, Michigan and got married at the courthouse. Shortly after that I had to leave for the Army. God kept me safe to return to Deb and have a great life together. Blessing us with a wonderful daughter 8 years later and blessing us with a great Son-In-Law and now a awesome little Grandson . It’s a Wonderful Life and looking forward to another fun day today with Deb. Thanks Deb and Nicole for being such nice gals all these years. (:>)
Mack Truck Progress- I got the cab walls tacked together and both doors mounted on hinges and I am now working on the first fender.
No roof or windshield yet on the cab .
Christmas Shopping – Doing some Christmas Shopping early before the crowds . We like to get it done before Thanksgiving (:>) They are already starting the Christmas sales.
Have a great Thurs. !!