September 19, 2024

Clint-Russel-Bill-Eckhoff More half scale tractors Don Campbell Likes.

FIVE MILE RUN TODAY – As many of you know I been running 5K runs whcich is only 3.2 miles . Monday of this week i ran 4 full miles non stop for the first time in years. But today I topped that and ran a whopping 5 miles non-stop . (:>) Five miles is not a long ways for a lot of people, but it was a great achievement for me at my age and my chubby body, ha,ha.
Todays picture shows 4 awesome half scale tractors. Don’t know anything about them, just saw them on the net and am amazed at the workmanship that went into them.
P&H 5700 Boom bumpers – I got the bumpers built and mounted to the underside of the boom today and worked on the rear of the main house .
Have a great Wed.