September 19, 2024

Coal Mining Equipment Bucket

aprimedbucket, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Coal Mining – Todays picture shows my progress from working in the shop the last two days on the model bucket . Cooler weather allowed me to get in the shop and start grinding at 8:00 am . Everyones windows were closed and I did not bother any of the neighbors with my early grinding.
I always think the buckets on the models don’t look good until the side plates and the teeth are built and attached.
I just ordered 4 more sheets of metal today and if it comes in tomorrow I’ll go get it and get ready to start making the track pads. Now I will go back and work on the 6 hydraulic cylinders and get them set up for hoses and sand and do bodywork on the welds and maybe get them primed by tonight .
9- 11 – It’s always so sad seeing the footage of the tragic day 11 years ago. I almost have to sit and watch it once every year on TV from start to finish to remind me there are people walking around the U.S. who want to kill many Americans . Their just waiting for the signal. Obama has made it much safer for them people and taken more of our freedom away.
The U.S. is owned by the rich and all our Politicians are controlled by them. We have no say in anything no matter what some people want us to believe. Even if Obama goes this fall , the next President will please the filthy rich owners of this country. They have too !! they own them !
Very sad but it is very true.
Enjoy this one more day God has given us .
Have a great Wed.