September 19, 2024

Coast Guard Open House at the Soo

Coast Guard Open House, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Coast Guard – Yesterday we had fun walking around the Coast Guard Station at the Soo as they had their openhouse. We got to watch the helicoptor doing maneuvers very close to us. We also toured their ship and it reminded us of the time we got to ride all the way to the Soo Coast Guard Staion on the Ice Breaker Mackinaw actually breaking ice.
That was very cool !!!, The next day the Mackinaw was heading to Lake Superior to open the shipping lanes to Duluth , Minn. We got off the ice breaker and rode home in the car with the Captains wife.
We got to cruise on the Mackinaw in the summer and winter and even got to spend the day on it at the Cherry Festival .
As we sat high on top of the ship in the Traverse Bay the Blue Angle Jets were using the ice breaker as a focal point for their tricks. They would fly straight towards us and pull up just before they got to us and boy was that AWESOME !!
Camping at the Soo always reminds us of our 6 days on the Paul R. Tregurtha thousand foot ship too . We were treated like royalty living on the whole fifth floor where the owners quarters were. We had a chef, a porter and got fresh baked goods delivered every morning. I gained ten lbs. that week and have never been able to lose it, ha,ha,
Have a great Sun. and I thank God for this one more day he has given us.