September 20, 2024

Corvette no 3 was a 1974 Yellow coupe .

corvette3b, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

1974 Corvette – Todays picture shows our third Corvette . After we returned from the Army we bought our first house and decided it was time to grow up and sell Corvette no. 2 . After about 2 months I did not like being grown up and decided to head to Saginaw with Deb and buy another Vette, ha,ha.
We made the deal and I had already had two red Corvettes so I liked the bright yellow color Eggers used Vette Dealer had this time and we drove it home.
I always had to buy chrome wheels and new tires for them. I never liked the stock wheels . This yellow vette I also bought some chrome side pipes. Three of my Vettes had side pipes and I loved the sound of them.
I was a meat cutter before I went into the Army and I resumed cutting meat when I returned and I also farmed part-time for my brother-in-law and I started building dunebuggies in my garage. I loved puttering in the garage welding on new projects. I absolutely loved welding metal together making new things.
Greenbay Packers and Michigan State still winning and it has been a fun football season already. I’m still worried about the Packers continuing this winning streak as i see how close they are coming to losing several games. In the next few weeks they are going to have to fine tune their defense a lot as their competition is going to really get serious. I hope they continue to win .
Boyne Mountain and Treetops Ski Resorts- No snow in Northern Michigan is going to lose a lot of money for the snowmobile and ski industry this holiday week when normally we get bombarded with tourists.
Mack Truck Trailer – This week I will work on the truck today and then shift to the design on the trailer the rest of the week .
Have a great Monday