September 19, 2024

Counting the days for the first snow

blower, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Reverse Sycology – If I pretend I want it to snow , it won’t snow . If I don’t want it to snow , it probably will snow. So right now I want it to snow so it won’t snow , lol
Todays picture shows my snow equipment after I moved it out from storage with the Waldon and forks too.
Used Snowblowers For Sale – The snow blade is for my truck but the other snowblowers will go on craigslist for sale . I bought these over the years for upcoming projects and never used them much. So it is time to thin out the stockpile , ha,ha.
Going today to pick apples , yum
Mom is doing fine and they are taking great care of grandpa too.
Have a great Sat.