September 20, 2024

Crane model built today for Komatsu .

atopcrane, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Top mounted crane – Todays model progress I built a service crane that mounts on the top of the mighty machine . This enables heavy parts easily raised and lowered from the rear.
Exhaust stacks- I also finished the exhaust housing and the exhaust stacks today. The last thing I did today was to drill the holes in the cab that will hold the windows in place.
I’ll be back in the shop in the morning working on more items on the final list.
I always make a list when I get down to about the last 30 or 40 parts and it is fun seeing the list get smaller and smaller each day.
I-phone 5 – We checked today to see if our new phones arrived but they did not.
TOO BIG TO FAIL- This is a phrase we here a lot these days and a subject that bothers me a lot , grrr . But today lets redirect that phrase to me personally ??
As you all know I have not succeeded this summer losing weight as I had wanted too. You can see in the pictures I am big , although pictures make everyone look huge, lol . ya right (:>) In my case, I really am BIG , tee, hee .
So I guess today what i am saying I got to get going again at 60 and get some weight off . It is getting harder to lose weight so today the phrase ( too big to fail ) is about me , ha,ha,ha,
Have a great Friday and I thank God for this one more day he has given us.