September 20, 2024

Cute Little Truck

Cute Little Truck, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

COUCH POTATO TO 5K IN 8 WEEKS – Today I reached my 8 week program going from a lazy obese couch potato to a Healthy Senior Citizen, ha,ha.
Seriously though, it is hard to believe that in the last 10 days I have ran the 5K course every morning with no problems. I am stuck at the 25 lb loss and can’t seem to lose anymore but I feel so much better now.
It is great because I am now reaching for clothes in section of my closet marked (FAT) . That still don’t sound great , but to me it sure is better than the section marked (OBESE) .
I know I am still FAT and still have to lose 15 more lbs. to get to (PLEASINGLY PLUMP) section of clothes .
Then my final goal will be the section Deb has marked ( BUFF ) I haven’t been in that section of the closet for over 6 years. That is where my speedo also hangs on a hanger too , ha,ha.
Deb is looking forward to that day , TEE HEE, ha,ha, LOLH
Well, I’m thinking she might be thinking that , ha,ha.
RAIN RAIN WELCOME RAIN IN GAYLORD – We had a nice soaking rain all morning and we really needed it. The forest fire danger was extremely high for the last several weeks.
DEB FIRST DAY OF RETIREMENT- Hey Deb, Whats for Supper ?
Now with just one paycheck coming in we have adjusted the menu slightly ? Tonight we will be having Ramen Noodels , and we will share a apple and to wash it down a glass of water ??
Rimpull Coal Hauler – Today I got the cab windows cut out and the walls tacked together. Next I will work on the exhaust stacks.
Have a great Monday !!!