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Here is a picture Greg sent me from Phoenix . Greg is a regular visitor to my webpage . He has worked on these machines for 30 years . It’s very sad when someone loses their life in a accident. Greg said safety is so important and sometimes overlooked to save a little time. It’s easy now to see how this dozer rolled over backwards with the large drop to the ground from the back of the trailer and the few blocks that were used. Or had the dozer had the rops system in place the operator might have had a chance. . It’s easy to see where the problem was , but it was too late for this fellow that is still crushed under the machine in this picture. Greg sent more pics after they raised the dozer off him and it was very sad to see him. I hesitated to post this picture , but thought if it helps make me think of being safer , it could also maybe help someone else.
Even me using my little machines I sometimes get in a hurry so it is a good reminder to me too. Thanks Greg.