September 19, 2024

Deb and I inside this Marion Walking Dragline

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Deb and I inside this Marion Walking Dragline

Deb and I inside this Marion Walking Dragline

This is the largest machine Deb and I ever got to climb in and enjoy the view from inside the cab as the operator did his business. It was very COOL !!. It was just amazing looking straight down into the pit as the large bucket filled with afterburden. Each dragline bucket was raised and the monster machine would swing over and dump the massive load. It’s hard to believe we got to do that. Thanks again you guys , for a awesome lifetime memory.
First snow overnight- We woke up this morning with a dusting of snow on the ground. So that means we got a little colder air in the area. The weatherman is saying snow for us Mon. and Tues.
Acco Grader- I got the first engine done and the second one is 3/4 finished. Mon. morning I will complete it.
Thanks again for the nice E-mails about the new video clips section Nicole added over Christmas week. We are trying to have a nice variety of videos .
Deb and I are heading out to goof off today , we love Sat. knowing Deb can take a quite break from the pre-schoolers and I like the break from the workshop. Deb andI still have a lot of fun together.
Have a nice Sat.