September 20, 2024

Deb and I walking on the Tregurtha

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Deb and I walking on the Tregurtha

Deb and I walking on the Tregurtha

Once in a while I go back and look at the pictures we took on our week ride on the Paul Tregurtha Coal Ship from St.Claire Shores, Michigan to Duluth , Minn. and back. We posted quite a few of the pictures on my webpage. But we still have a couple hundred pictures from the trip we never posted. Here is a cool picture of Deb and I walking our laps around the ship. After most meals we would walk ten laps the full length of the boat . It was chilly in Lake Superior and the wind was nippy, but we had a great time. We still do things with our friend Bruce , who took us on the trip with him. He has not gone on any of the boats since that trip. His cousin is James Barker, James owns InterLakes Steamship Co. and Bruce has rode on the boats once or twice a year for the last 20 years. He said he just got bored of riding on them. We’re sure glad he had one last trip to want to go on, and we’re sure glad he asked us. Actually he had asked us two previous trips but we could not go because of the short notice. Even now looking at the pictures , it’s hard to believe we got to experience such a rare trip. And it was even better we got to stay in the owners quarters and we were treated like royalty. Looks like our next adventure won’t be til spring , now with the winter weather here again we like to stay with a few hours of Gaylord. We got 3 inches of heavy wet snow again Sat. night. The city snowplows were out this morning plowing the roads. I did not go get the tractor as I figure it should melt by tonight. LeTourneau L-1800 Loader Progress- The rear frame is welded together and the flared rear section is welded in place. The rear cooling area doors are mounted on hinges and in place. Mon. I will build the rear axle and get it mounted and work more on the top section of the rear frame. Deb and I did some major Christmas Shopping on Sat. We like to get it 99% done before Thankgiving. We are now 70% done and pretty much broke, LOL. Have a nice Sunday with the ones you love.