September 19, 2024

Deb Talking To Nicole from Danville, Ill.

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Deb Talking To Nicole from Danville, Ill.

Deb Talking To Nicole from Danville, Ill.

Here is a picture I took of Deb on Sat. afternoon in Danville, Ill. She wanted to go for a nice ride on her three day Birthday weekend. lol.
This picture she had just called Nicole in D.C. and was laughing on the phone. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but I’m sure she must have been telling Nicole what a great husband I am , and how I was so thoughtful to her the last couple days for her birthday. We drove 11 hours in the car on Sat. . to Chicago and then south to Danville and then north all the way back to Chicago and then East and north Lansing and how we dined out at our favorite Barbecued Rib places. Smokey Bones. Deb doesn’t really like Barbe-cue Ribs, But I LOVE THEM, lol.